'Tether' REVIEW: Intriguing concept with a half-baked execution
Gian Arre's debut feature is lackluster on all fronts. It leaves you wanting for more, in the most baffling way possible.
'Gitling' REVIEW: Breaking barriers through language
From its direction to the performances, ‘Gitling’ perfectly captures that melancholic and quiet sense of loneliness and the pure joy of finding someone who’ll listen and understand you.
‘When This Is All Over’ REVIEW: Turning an intimate story into one big trip
When This Is All Over may occasionally be confused at times, but it shows how you can turn an intimate story of a son who just wants to reunite with his mother into a one big trip.
‘Marupok AF’ REVIEW: A cursory glance at what the Trans community goes through
Marupok AF (Where Is The Lie) comes from a sincere place of wanting to raise awareness on the struggles and difficulties that Trans people go through in our modern society, but the film doesn’t really do it justice by having Quark Henares tell the story and going with a dark comedic treatment.