Wood and Water: Stillness and Silence Speak Volumes
ryan capili, features Ryan Capili ryan capili, features Ryan Capili

Wood and Water: Stillness and Silence Speak Volumes

There's hardly any narrative to offer with Jonas Bak’s Wood and Water but it doesn’t matter. It is a contemplative piece about the constantly evolving world that we are all faced with in our own distinct ways. It’s about exploring oneself through unfamiliar places, yearning for people, and trying desperately to connect with them through the places that has a great significance to them.

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Iginuhit ng Tadhana: A Deep Dive into the First Marcos Propaganda Film
jason friedlander, features Jason Friedlander jason friedlander, features Jason Friedlander

Iginuhit ng Tadhana: A Deep Dive into the First Marcos Propaganda Film

Iginuhit ng Tadhana was the Marcos family’s first propaganda film, a biopic produced to rally support for their 1965 presidential run against Diosdado Macapagal. It was filled with blaring historical inaccuracies that laid the foundations for a mystical mythology around Ferdinand E. Marcos that has persisted to this day.

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“In the Mood for Love”’s New 4K Restoration is More Tragic as It Replaces Romance with Ambivalence
QCinema2022, jason friedlander, features Jason Friedlander QCinema2022, jason friedlander, features Jason Friedlander

“In the Mood for Love”’s New 4K Restoration is More Tragic as It Replaces Romance with Ambivalence

Wong Kar-Wai’s new 4K restoration of “In the Mood for Love” mutes its ravishing reds and replaces it with a tint of ambivalent green. This shifts the mood from romance to ambivalence, with more of a focus on each character’s individual processing of trauma and less on their warm connection with one another. It also further amplifies its sense of tragedy.

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Sullivan's Travels: Personal reflections on screenwriters, screwball comedies, Sturges' characters, and shaky critiques from Hollywood
trevor pronoso, features Trevor Pronoso trevor pronoso, features Trevor Pronoso

Sullivan's Travels: Personal reflections on screenwriters, screwball comedies, Sturges' characters, and shaky critiques from Hollywood

Sullivan's Travels' simplistic final grace note only reminds us of how we've long since strayed from the path of comedy as a means of pathos. And if laughter won't wholly provide us with amnesia from our grim realities, it’ll at least make this exhausting thing we call "life" less strenuous for about 90+ minutes

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